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Showing posts from May, 2020

short story for kids | चतुर खरगोश | हिंदी नैतिक कहानियाँ

चतुर खरगोश एक जंगल के पास एक सुंदर सा द्वीप था । उस जंगल और द्वीप के बीच में एक तालाब था । उस द्वीप पर जाने के लिए सबको वह तालाब पार करना पड़ता ।उस द्वीप पर खूब सारे स्वादिष्ट फल और सब्जियां थे । उस जंगल में रहने वाले सारे पशु उस द्वीप से फल सब्जियां खाना खाते थे । पर कभी किसी ने हिम्मत नहीं करी  । क्योंकि उस तालाब में कई सारे मगरमच्छ रहते  थे ।  एक दिन एक खरगोश जो उसे जंगल में रहती थी । उस तालाब से पानी पीने गई उससे वह द्वीप देखा और सोचने लगी  मुझे उस द्वीप पर जाकर सारे फल सब्जियां खाने हैं । मगर यह मगरमच्छ को कैसे चकमा दिया जाए । फिर बहुत सोचने पर खरगोश ने एक तरकीब सोची । अगली सुबह वह खरगोश तालाब के किनारे आई । उसने सारे मगरमच्छ को चिल्लाकर बुलाया किसके पास इतनी हिम्मत है । जो हमें ऐसे बुला रहा है । मगरमच्छो  ने सोचा और तालाब के किनारे आ गए । आप सब वादा करो कि मुझे हानि नहीं पहुंचा । ओगे वह अपनी होशियारी के साथ यह सब बोलना शुरू हो गयी ।  हां हां तुम चिंता मत करो बताओ क्या बात है । "एक मगरमच्छ बोला" जंगल के राजा ने सब जानवरों के लिए एक दावत देने का सोचा है । जंगल के सारे जान

a short stories with moral for kids | moral stories

                                                            1.  a thirsty crow a thirsty crow you there was a crew on a very hot summer day, he was feeling very thirsty he flew from place to place in search of water but he could not find it anywhere. he was very sad and disappointed at not getting a single drop of water suddenly. he saw a jar of water he flew down to the jar and sat on its edge when, he creamed his beak to quench his thirst he saw to his great discouragement that the water was at the bottom this beak could not reach such a low level of water. he even tried to overturn the jar but he could not it was too heavy for him to move when he was almost to fly in despair, he thought of an idea suddenly his eyes received some pebbles lying near the jar, they picked up two pebbles one-by-one and drop them into jar slowly and slowly to the level of water rose and came up to the neck the crow was overjoyed to see this. he dipped his beak, quenched his thirst, and flew away. Moral &

lion and mouse moral story| short story with moral for kids |

                                                        lion and mouse  moral  story           the lion and the mouse a lion sleeping in a forest a small mouse crept up to him since he's sleeping thought the mouse he never suspected him herewith that the little mouse began running up and down upon him this soon weakens the lion and quickly got the mouse between its claws pardon okay let me go set the mouse andI'll come back and help you someday thelion laughed ha ha ha you are so small how could you ever help me the line was so tickled at the idea of the mouse having the ability to assist him that he lifted up his paw and let him go sometime after the road was caught during a net spread by a hunter he roared he wept but he couldn't pull himself free just then the little Mouse happened to pass by and seeing the sad light in which the line was went up to him it started cutting the net with its teeth in a short mile the mouse was able to set the line free again the lion doesn

मूर्तिकार पिता और बेटे की कहानी | a short story with moral in hindi

मूर्तिकार पिता और बेटे  की  कहानी  एक गांव में एक मूर्तिकार रहा करता था । वह काफी खूबसूरत मूर्तियां बनाया करता था । और इस काम से वह अच्छा कमा लेता था । उसे एक बेटा हुआ उस बच्चे ने बचपन से ही मूर्तियां बनानी शुरू कर दी । बेटा भी बहुत अच्छी मूर्तियां बनाया करता था और बाप अपने बेटा  की कामयाबी पर खुश होता था । लेकिन हर बार बेटे की मूर्तियों में कोई ना कोई कमी निकाल दिया करता था । वह कहता था बहुत अच्छा किया है । लेकिन अगली बार इस कमी को दूर करने की कोशिश करना बेटा कभी कोई शिकायत नहीं करता था । वह अपने बाप की सलाह पर अमल करते हुए अपनी मूर्तियों को और बेहतर करता रहा । इस लगातार सुधार की वजह से बेटे की मूर्तियां बाप से भी अच्छी बनने लगी और ऐसा टाइम भी आ गया कि लोग बेटे की मूर्तियों को बहुत पैसा देकर खरीदने लगे । जबकि बाप की मूर्तियां उसकी पहली वाली  कीमत पर ही बिकती रही । बाप बेटे की मूर्तियों में कमियां निकाल ही देता था । लेकिन बेटे को अब  अच्छा नहीं लगता था और वह बिना मन के उन कमियों को सुविकार करता  था । लेकिन फिर भी अपनी मूर्तियों में सुधार कर ही देता था । एक टाइम ऐसा भी आया कि जब बेटे के

Three Activities to do today! | Covid-19 Lockdown

Take your time out to try doing these three things today one a teacher once asked a boy which is your favorite book the boy said my father's checkbook. I think it's time to pick up some other book to read guys read at least 50 pages, try and do it daily and turn it into a habit make sure that the book is uplifting and not depressing there's a lot of negative energy all around us at this point of the time anyway don't add anymore number to organize your phone or your laptop sometimes we think that our gadgets become like a black hole which can keep taking more photos more videos5 ways that you can save there and then one day the illusions are broken when we suddenly get a message saying that the memories for take some time out to organize your photos videos and files delete them or transfer them make more space declutter and guess what forming this tiny habit of organizing your phone will need to something much larger than your phone you'll probably start organizing

story of a bird and a man | moral stories| short story with moral

 story of a bird and a man a man was once walking in a forest and he happened to see an exotic bird being very charmed by it and wanting to have it as a pet he tiptoed towards it from behind and caught it to his utter surprise, the bird started talking and it said to him please release me in return I shall give you three gems three valuable pieces of advice that can transform your life I'll give you the first one only when you let me go the second one when I fly up to that branch and the third one when I fly up high to the very top of the stream the man instantly agreed and let the bird go as soon as it was freed the bird started flying up as it said here's,  the first jet my first piece of advice do not torture torment and burden yourself with excessive regret for your past mistakes as the man pondered over what he had just heard the bird flew up sat on a branch and spoke back and the second one does not believe anything that goes against common sense unless you have first

5 things to do every morning | inspirational thought

five things to do every morning Do you guys know something each one of you reading  this article has two very special gifts this morning guess what your eyes I often say last night was the last night for some and we are blessed with another chance to live a better life and we can make the most out of our day and thus out of our life if we begin our day in a proper state of mind here are the 5 things to dwell upon as soon as you're waking up every  single day number one begin your day with gratitude don't just charge your phones, watch tablets or laptops.   the first:-   thing in the morning charge yourself up as well with positivity that will last you all day and the most powerful of all positive emotions that'll make you feel empower and gratitude because it forces you to shift your attention to your blessings back to your problems which are anyways going to be an integral part of all of our lives.   second:- resolve to have a positive vision nobody including ourselves is

moral story of an employee | short story with moral

                                               moral story of an employee in a certain company a young employee went to the HR head manager and said I can’t work here any longer I want to quit this job the HR manager had asked why please tell me what happened? the whole atmosphere is so toxic to my mind replied, the young man there are people here who are into a lot of politics then there are those who talk negative all the time some spent most of their time gossiping than working, I don’t think I can handle this any longer the HR head manager said ok but, I want to request you one to make before you leave the man asked please tell me what can I do for you, sir but the HR manager had said I want you to do this one last thing sincerely I want you to take a glass of water filled to the brim and walk around the office area three times without spilling a single drop of water on the floor after that, you may leave the job if you wish to it sounded